Well, looks like us Massachusetts natives will be dealing with Deval Patricks' corrupt antics for another 4 years, great. Like come one, doesn't anyone give a shit about honesty and integrity anymore? Didn't this guy buy a brand new mercedes or some shit when we elected him last time and people flipped out? maybe he'll just go cop a Bentley this time, who gives a fuck. whatever, I shouldn't complain, I didn't even vote, I was working like the rest of America. Maybe we should be like California and find some action movie star and throw them in there and see how they do, Stallone? Godzilla? suggestions anyone? haha I crack myself up, but seriously all I heard leading up to this election was how Deval hasn't done squat to help out the state and in many ways hurt it financially. When are we gonna find a honest, straight shooter to take office. Probably never...Either way all these candidates are probably corrupt and going to suck, so I guess its pick your poison. I vote for Ralph Nader...
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