Bones Pages

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

12 Hours and Were Already on Barstool Okay everybody hold the fuck up. First that “kinda classy” bitch comes up and literally copies everything the stool does and says. Now my own friends are trying to blow up my spot and “take over Barstool?” Huh? Where are all of your heads at? Don’t even start with the “not trying to be Barstool” shit because you’re constantly making fun of LaLa land and making me pissed off. This doesn’t work for me. Seriously all the power to you if you wanna blog and have your friends read it and shit. But when you bring my peoples into the mix and say this and that about thus and such, it ain’t cool in my mind. Sorry you guys but you’re setting yourselves up for failure. If you haven’t noticed, everyone knows what Barstool is. There are about a gajillion readers on the daily. People dress up as Barstool for Halloween for Pete’s sake. Why would you even try to compete with that? There are just some goals that can’t be reached. Honestly I wasn’t even going to say anything about it but I’m just dazed and confused about this whole scenario. I love you guys but I know for a fact that you guys read and enjoy Barstool so why are you hatin’? I am far from the hater in this situation. Far. From it. Seriously you guys might as well be singing, “Abby you suck, Abby you suck, Abby you don’t do anything of value,” because I feel like you’re taking a shot at me. In the dark. While I’m blindfolded. And my hands are tied. And I have no pants on. And I’m crying because mean people are mean. Get off Barstool’s dick please. Blogging is 1 of 2 things: A diary or a ballerfest like Barstool is. Leave the competing for the latter to Bro Bible and other blogs that grown ups write for a living, and you should get back to going to class/football practice/club hockey practice/up your girlfriend’s shirt okay? Then our friendship can get back on track.

Well, Bone has been up for a mere 12 1/2 hours and we are already getting hated on by the hottest blog site in Boston,, the StooLaLa site. I guess one of their bloggers mistook a seemingly harmless statement in that we were taking over barstool as a joke and turned it into something much more than that. But maybe this is good, fuck StooLaLa, hating on a couple college kids being ambitious, the fuck is with that. I thought this was America. Then they proceed to post it on there page, second article of the day? hahahaha gotta love it. 12 hours in and we're already on the hottest blog site around. fuck it news is news. The funny thing is I was paid to write, about 2 years before the blogger who proceeded to write this blog about our little operation, and she she is calling me out? Blow me, oh wait... I'm all set thanks ill pass on that one. Oh well, I guess I'm just some inexperienced fool who needs to go back to "class/football practice/ club hockey practice/ up my girlfriends skirt." aaaha fahhck off. Bone, here to stay.

1 comment:

  1. Poop Girl, poop girl, poop girl, poop girl
