Bones Pages

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pierce Hits 20,000 Points!!!

Congratulations Paul Pierce. Hes the 3rd Celtic player of all time to accomplish 20,000 career points. Wow. What a game that was. Garnett got pretty rowdy huh. Bucks didn't want no drama though. Think about it...Garnetts mean mug says enough. Plus you got Jermaine O'neal representing that green now.

"You know, I just been so through so much ups and downs, this is just incredible" say's a emotional Paul Pierce after the 105 - 102 over time victory over the Milwaukee Bucks.  I've always stuck behind "The Truth" and I'm pumped for him. He wrapped the game up with 28 points, followed by Ray Allen, who sunk 23 points.

Celtics are looking really strong this year. Rhondo is by far the best Guard in the game today. 15 Assists and 17 points. Anyone know how many assists he has so far this year? in 5 games? Glad to be from Boston tonight. Keep it up Celtics.

Bye The Way

Jermaine Oneal came threw big tonight with multiple blocks. GET THE BUCK OUT OF OUR GARDEN!

In case you missed, go to older posts at the bottom of the page to see highlights of Jermaine O'neals Indiana Pacer brawl and him signing to the Celtics!

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