Bones Pages

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Time to ban 'Blackout in a can' drink Four Loko?... I sure hope not


     First off I just want to say I freakin love LOKOS. I hope this whole banning them thing is a bad joke. Ya one of them is like six beers and three redbulls, but hey at under $3 dollars per can how can you go wrong? I mean seriously the beer and redbull easily costs you over $15 bucks so I don't see the problem. Ya caffeine and alcohol could be bad for your heart so I see why there is some concern, so proceed with caution.
         I put three of these bad boys down on Halloween night and believe me they lived up to their reputation. I was hammer faced and wired all night. Maybe that explains why I keep hearing about all the sword fighting that I was involved in that night... Idn. The next day a wise man told me "They are a good pregame drink, but never a game time drink."(Andy Rugg) So the message I am trying to get across is keep it classy and never drink more than two 4Lokos a night.... Woo Woo keep 4 LOKOS on the shelf

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