Bones Pages

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Washington Bans Sale of 4 Loko Statewide!

(CNN) -- The Washington state Liquor Control Board on Wednesday banned the sale of alcoholic energy drinks after a group of college students got sick from consuming a drink nicknamed "blackout in a can."

The ban, which takes effect November 18, follows the October hospitalization of nine underage Central Washington University students who said they got sick after drinking "Four Loko," a caffeinated malt liquor. Some of the students also mixed the canned drinks with other alcohol, including vodka, police reported.

Ok this is getting ridiculous.  I wonder how many kids go to the hospital with alcohol poisoning from vodka, rum, gin, jager (u get my point)?  Then around 30 kids around America at random campuses "black out" and everyone is screaming BAN FOUR LOKO! I'm here to say, f*** that. I love four loko's, it is not black out in a can. These random kids are two beer queers and have 1 four loko can and black out.  Not everyones fault you dont know how to handle your liquor. If vodka was the newest drink created, you know how many people would black out from it? would you ban vodka too? No, you wouldn't so stop trying to take away a drink that I can actually afford and enjoy.

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